
Refereed Journals
  1. Loyall J.P., Gillen M., Paulos A., Bunch L., Carvalho M., Edmondson J., Schmidt D.C., Martignoni III A., and Sinclair A. Dynamic Policy-Driven Quality of Service in Service-Oriented Information Management Systems. Component and Service-Oriented Distributed Embedded Real-Time Systems, Special Issue on Software: Practice and Experience. 2011.
  2. Edmondson, J. and Schmidt, D.C. Multi-agent distributed adaptive resource allocation (MADARA). International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems, Special Issue on: Grid Computing, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp.229–245. November, 2010.
  3. Hill, J. H., Schmidt, D.C., Edmondson, J., and Gokhale, A. Tools for Continuously Evaluating Distributed System Qualities. IEEE Software, Vol. 27, No. 4. August, 2010.

Conference papers
  1. Edmondson, J., Gokhale, A., Schmidt, D. (2012). Approximation Techniques for Maintaining Real-time Deployments Informed by User-provided Dataflows Within a Cloud. Proceedings of 31st IEEE International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS 2012). Irvine, CA.
  2. Edmondson, J., Gokhale, A., Neema, S. (2012). Automated Redeployment of Real-Time Systems Informed by User-Provided Workflows. Proceedings of Real-Time Automated Systems (RTAS) Work-in-Progress (WIP) Session 2012. Beijing, China.
  3. Edmondson, J., Gokhale, A., Neema, S. (2011). Automating Testing of Service-oriented Mobile Applications with Distributed Knowledge and Reasoning. Proceedings of Service-Oriented Computing Architectures (SOCA) 2011. Irvine, CA.
  4. Edmondson, J., Schmidt, D., Gokhale, A. (2011). QoS-enabled Distributed Mutual Exclusion in Public Clouds. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference of Secure Virtual Infrastructures in Distributed Object Architectures.Crete, Greece.
  5. Edmondson, J., Gokhale, A. (2011). Design of a Scalable Reasoning Engine for Distributed, Real-time and Embedded Systems. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Knowledge, Science, Engineering and Management. Irvine, CA.
  6. Loyall, J., Edmondson, J. Bunch, L., Martignoni III, A., Gillen, M., Paulus, A. Varsheneya, P. Schmidt, D., Carvalho, M. (2010). Dynamic Policy Driven Quality of Service in Service Oriented Systems. Proceedings of the 13th IEEE International Symposium on Object/component/service-oriented Real-time distributed computing. Carmona, Spain.
  7. Hill, J. H., Turner, H., Edmondson, J. and Schmidt, D.C. (2009, April). Unit Testing Non-Functional Concerns of Component-based Distributed Systems. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Software Testing, Verification, and Validation (ICST). Denver, CO.
  8. Loyall, J., Carvalho, M., Schmidt, D.C., Gillen, M., Martignoni III, A., Bunch, L., Edmondson, J., and Corman, D. (2009, April). QoS Enabled Dissemination of Managed Information Objects in a Publish-Subscribe-Query Information Broker. The SPIE Defense Transformation and Net-Centric Systems conference. Orlando, FL.
  9. Xiong M., Parsons J., Edmondson J., Nguyen H., and Schmidt D.C. (2007, April). Evaluating Technologies for Tactical Information Management in Net-Centric Systems. Proceedings of the Defense Transformation and Net-Centric Systems conference. Orlando, Florida.
  10. Parker, B., Edmondson, J. (2006). Application of Simulation in Computer Architecture. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Education and Information Systems: Technologies and Applications. Orlando, FL.
  11. Edmondson J., Hankins J. (2006). M Pivot Sort – Faster than Quick Sort! McNair Research Review. Murfreesboro, TN.
  12. Edmondson J. (2005). M Pivot Sort – Replacing Quick Sort. Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Algorithmic Mathematics and Computer Science. Las Vegas, NV.

Book Chapters

  1. Edmondson, J., Schmidt, D. (2011). Towards Accurate Simulation of Large-Scale Systems via Time Dilation. Real-time Simulation Technologies: Principles, Methodologies, and Applications. CRC Press.

Current papers

  1. Edmondson, J., Gokhale, A. Automating Cyber Physical Systems in Local Area Networks.
  2. Edmondson, J., Gokhale, A. Emergent Redeployment of Distributed, Real-time and Embedded Applications from High Level Workflows.


  1. Edmondson, J. (2012 Mar 26). Control and Validation Mechanisms for Information, Resources, and Deployments in Distributed Real-Time and Embedded Systems. Dissertation. Vanderbilt University.
  2. Edmondson, J. (2011 Dec 02). Control and Validation Mechanisms for Information, Resources, and Deployments in Distributed Real-Time and Embedded Systems. Dissertation Proposal. Vanderbilt University.

Invited posters

  1. Edmondson, J. (2012 Apr). Automated Redeployment of Real-Time Systems Informed by User-Provided Workflows. RTAS WIP 2012.
  2. Edmondson, J. (2007 Apr). The Sift Algorithm. MTSU Scholars Week.
  3. Edmondson, J (2007 Apr). The RSC Emulator. MTSU Scholars Week.
  4. Edmondson, J. (2005). The Sift Algorithm. MTSU Undergraduate Scholars Day.
  5. Edmondson, J. (2005 Jul). M Pivot Sort—Faster than Quicksort! MTSU McNair Scholars Day.


  1. Edmondson, J. (2012 Mar). Control and Validation Mechanisms for Information, Resources, and Deployments in Distributed Real-Time and Embedded Systems. Dissertation Defense. Vanderbilt ISIS Gold Conference Room. PDF | PPTX (4 MB)
  2. Edmondson, J. (2012 Jan). Adaptive Deployments in Distributed, Real-time and Embedded Systems. Vanderbilt University DOC Group. PDF | PPTX
  3. Edmondson, J. (2011 Dec). Automating Testing of Service-oriented Mobile Applications with Distributed Knowledge and Reasoning. Vanderbilt University. PDF | PPTX
  4. Edmondson, J. (2011 Dec). Design of a Scalable Reasoning Engine for Distributed, Real-time and Embedded Systems. Vanderbilt University. PDF | PPTX
  5. Edmondson, J. (2011 Dec). Control and Validation Mechanisms for Information, Resources, and Deployments in Distributed Real-Time and Embedded Systems. Dissertation Proposal. Vanderbilt University. PDF | PPTX
  6. Edmondson, J. (2011 Oct). QoS-enabled Tree-based Distributed Mutexes for Clouds. DOA SVI 2011 Presentation. PDF | PPTX
  7. Edmondson, J. (2011 Oct). Automating Testing in Clouds. CS 395 - Cloud Computing Lecture. PDF | PPTX
  8. Edmondson, J. (2011 Jun). MADARA KATS: Automated Testing with Distributed Knowledge and Reasoning. Vanderbilt University ISIS Lecture. PDF | PPTX
  9. Edmondson, J. (2010 Sep). MADARA KaRL: Knowledge and Reasoning Language. Vanderbilt University DOC Group Presentation. PDF | PPTX
  10. Edmondson, J. (2010 May). Dynamic Policy-Driven Quality of Service in Service-Oriented Systems. ISORC 2010 Presentation. PDF | PPTX.
  11. Edmondson, J. (2006 Sep). Distributed Testing Framework for Pub/Sub Architectures. Vanderbilt University DOC Group Presentation. PDF | PPT
  12. Andrews, D., Edmondson, J., Hansen, P. (2006 Mar). OCaml Programming Language. Theory of Programming Languages Survey Presentation. MTSU. PDF | PPT
  13. Edmondson, J. (2006 Aug). M Pivot Sort - Faster than Quick Sort! MTSU McNair Research Presentation. PDF | PPT
  14. Parker, B., Edmondson, J. (2006). Application of Simulation in Computer Architecture. EISTA 2006 Presentation. PDF | PPT
  15. Edmondson, J. (2005 Sep). Practical Approach to Protecting Yourself Online. MTSU ACM Chapter Presentation. PDF | PPT.
  16. Edmondson, J. (2005). M Pivot Sort - Replacing Quick Sort. AMCS 2005 Presentation. PDF | PPT.